O.K Lets get this stuff of course the Best GPS
Yep it ain't the Tablet or Phone
I know, because I have both
The problems with Tablets and phone is most of em are not water-proof, shock-proof
They are so complex that it will take you years to figure it all out on what they are capable of
I am getting older and do not have as much time to waste figuring out a freaking phone or tablet
Getting one of those gadgets is like going to a Mexican place to order Chinese food
Get a unit that is made to be a GPS not a phone or tablet
My Navi has all the topo maps and trails in-stalled, Its Water-proof, shock- proof and I can-not say enough good things about it
Sure I love the tablet, for surfing inter-web, watching Video, music, karaoke, e-mail and so forth
How-ever that is what is was made to do
So the Best GPS is one that is made to be a GPS
The Garmin Nuvi is a Piece of Cake to operate as a GPS,
So there you have the Best GPS IMO
'It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.'
Mark Twain
i dont need no stinking gps.....
all of you have one....hahahahaha
Dead man walking
I purchased a 7" tablet and will let everyone know how my opinion when I have a chance to really try it out .
Is anyone using a galaxy tab A to run navigation apps?