It's time for new wheels and I'm having a hard time deciding between beadlocked or not.

Considerations are weight, strength, hassle, necessity. Cost would be a consideration in which brand but not a deciding factor in whether to beadlock or not.

Right now I run at about 10 psi front and 12 rear and I don't know that I would want to run much lower because I do just as much (if not a bit more) high speed vs low speed.

I do live in some rugged terrain and we go fairly deep in the woods quite often but that being said I've got a couple hundred hours on my 1k and never blown a bead.

I know that overall the beadlocked are going to be stronger/safer but I also know they can be quite a pain in the ass to set properly and ensure a solid, leak free fit.

So based on all of my comments what do you recommend ?